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November ACap ReCap – Your Financial Questions Answered

1. I just started at Kaiser, how can I maximize my benefits?
2. I am maximizing all my retirement and college savings accounts, but I am accumulating a lot of cash in my bank account that’s not earning anything. What should I do with my excess cash?
3. My tax-returns were stolen and I am worried about identity theft. What can I do?
4. Which is better: a prepared tuition plan or a 529 plan?

Supercharge Your Savings Account

Most investors focus only on their retirement accounts such as 401ks, IRAs and pensions and overlook another powerful savings vehicle – the taxable brokerage account. The taxable brokerage account is like a supercharged savings account

Easy Year-End Tax Saving Strategy

If you are thinking of investing some of the idle cash in your non-retirement accounts before year-end, avoid mutual funds because you will owe taxes.

October ACap Recap – Your Financial Questions Answered

1. What if I have a $1 million 401k, can I convert that to a Roth IRA?

2. If the annual IRA limit is $5,500, how can I convert a large 401k into a Roth IRA, especially if I make too much money?

3. My spouse does not work, can he/she contribute to a Roth IRA?4. Is there anything I should do before year-end?

4. Is there anything I should do before year-end?

August ACap Recap – Your Financial Questions Answered

1. What is the difference between forbearance and deferment on my student loans?
2. Does my employer match count towards my annual $17,500 maximum limit?
3. What is a HSA and do I need one?
4. What is and should I invest in it?